Wednesday, January 25, 2017


                Medical Illustrator

Duties and Responsibilities: A medical illustrator is a professional artist with advanced education in both the life sciences and visual communication. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other specialists, medical illustrators transform complex information into visual images that have the potential to communicate to broad audiences.

Salary: $62,000

Education: in order to be a medical illustrator you must have a masters degree and a medical illustration graduate program typically two years long.

Demand or need for this profession: need a good portfolio of work examples of cleared, detail images.

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?

I think i would like to be a medical illustrator because i think it’s very cool to make good detailed images, and who doesn’t like to draw. And the salary is pretty good so i think i would love to become one.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Martin Luther King Jr Quote

Student Success Statement
                                       Martin Luther King Jr.

“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education”

I think that Martin Luther King Jr. was right because I have my own goals. Everyone that I know has there own goal and some of them already made their dreams come true. I already did one of my goals come true. Everyone has a goal you just have to put your mind to it and make it happen. I think that if u can dream it you can make it come true. Everyone should just put there mind to it and do it. You shouldn’t be afraid of what you want in life you should just do it and make it happen. You should still always choose the right no matter what. This is why I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. he always was a CTR person. This was my Student success statement. One can actually show what they have been taught through their actions. While also showing their knowledge of certain things. For example, you can show how you learned from your mistakes. It may seem below the individual, but if that person knows that he or she has gotten better. Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote shows that you can be intelligent, or even just a good person with character. But when it comes to being both, you can and will be a better person. As a CTR person has good character, but also has great intelligence.


Duties and Responsibilities: The scientific study of the human body movement aided by bones and the muscles is called as kinesiology . Kinesiology is also alternatively termed as “human kinetics” that uses various principles such as mechanical, physiologist, and psychological mechanisms involved in the movement of body parts.

Salary: $44,670-$84,020-$45,890

Education: They need a degree in kinesiology typically cover the science of movement as it relates to the human body. A bachelor’s degree in kinesiology can lead to several different career options, including occupational therapist, physical therapist,fitness trainer, and physical education teacher.

Demands or Needs for this profession: Kinesiology is a natural health care process that entails  the thorough study of mechanics and anatomy of the human body. Kinesiologist specialize in the analysis of human body movement.

Reflection:Do you think you would like to be one ?why?or why not?

I think I would not like to do this some day because I think that I want to focus on something else in my life or my future.