“ I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that ( poverty ). It depends on how hard I want to work, and I decided that I wanted to change it. “- Dr. Ben Carson
What this quotes significance is that we decide if we want to change our future. We all come from a family, we all know what it's like for us to want something but never get it. For some of us it is even more hard to support our family, we all have a path. We all have a path that leads us somewhere, but the thing is we never know when and where that path will lead us and end. We don’t know when it can end or where it leads. That is a mystery for us all, well for most of us anyways. But we all have one, the possibilities of where they might lead are endless. And that is a good thing, we don’t know our future. The best part in life is that you don’t take it somewhere unless you make the choice. Unless you say so it will keep leading to a path the is unknown. So unless you do something about it to change it, no one else will change it for you. You will have to take responsibility for your own future, it's not someone else's life, it's yours. You need to learn how to hold on to life when you're slipping, you take control. If you don’t you’ll fall and you will end up where you started. Work hard and it will pay off, do it for the people you care about and if not for them, then at least do it for yourselves.You have the responsibility of making the right choices for yourself. As Ben Carson was raised in poverty, he chose to change his life. He didn’t want to live in poverty any longer. Carson may have been the worst student in his grade school, but he tried and became the best in his high school. You only have to try and do your best to succeed.

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