Military Medical Career Pathway:
Animal Care Specialist
Duties and responsibilities: The animal care specialist is primarily responsible for the prevention and control of diseases transmitted from animal to man, as well as the comprehensive care for government-owned animals. Some duties are:
- Provide routine daily care for animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities
- Perform physical examinations to detect obvious abnormalities and reports findings to veterinarian
- Calculate doses and administers oral and topical medications as directed by the veterinarian
- Assist veterinarian in surgical procedures and perform euthanasia when instructed by veterina
Salary: compensation
Education: Job training for an animal care specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 11 weeks of Advanced Individual Training, including practice in animal care.
Some of the skills you’ll learn are:
- Patient care techniques
- Emergency medical techniques
- Methods of sterilizing surgical equipment
- Plaster-casting techniques
Demand for this particular career: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a multiple-choice test that helps you identify which Army jobs (Military Occupational Specialties) are best for you.